Softly Through Courage

Courage need not be in the form of a big dive off a cliff. Sometimes, it's a soft, sweet, gentle glide forward with slow and gentle steps. Sure footing...cautiously, optimistically. Slowly, softy, surely taking steps forward, solid in your conviction, and confidently in the direction of your courage. 

Sometimes courage comes from a very small space inside you, a little voice that hints and teases and sometimes eggs you on. Sometimes, you just take one small step, one easy kind gentle step. You try. You see how it feels. And then you take another and another and another. 

Sometimes courage can be sweet or delicate or nice. No...really? Yes, I think it can. It's not all bravado and ruggedness. 

Eye contact at the store when you usually avert gazes or hold your head down.

Reaching out to shake someone's hand. 

Hugging someone.

Smiling at someone. 

These small acts can serve to lift you outside of your comfort zone. Slowly, sweetly and gently. Courage isn't this big public dance on a stage in front of millions. Sometimes it's just a step forward, gently and sweetly. 

In Love and Sweetness, 


Song: Sleep Like a Child by Joss Stone

Mood: Surreal

Special: Full Moon

Thanx: MG for her support. Keep your 'eye' on the prize

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